Digital Image Processing MCQ’s (DIP)

DIP Sample MCQs Questions

  1. the difference between the original image and the eroded is creates__________
    a. higher level gray levels
    b low lever gray level
    c. boundary
    d. unfilled regions
  2. the theory of mathematical morphology is based on______________
    a. image size
    b. set theory
    c. probability
    d. correlation
  3. thinning operation is used to remove the _________pixels
    a. foreground
    b. back ground
    c. object
    d. image
  4. ____________is a process of removing of the extra tail pixels in an image
    a. erosion
    b. dilation
    c. hit-miss transform
    d. pruning
  5. Watershed is process of _ the object
    a. histogram
    b. locating
    c. transform
    d. highlighting
  6. ________________is process of partition the digital image in to multiple regions
    a. merging
    b. filling
    c. splitting
    d. transform
  7. __________is set of connected pixel that lie on the boundary between two regions.
    a. point
    b. edge
    c. colour
    d. line
  8. What is the smallest possible value of a gradient image?
    a) e
    b) 1
    c) 0
    d) -e
  9. Which of the following fails to work on dark intensity distributions?
    a) Laplacian Transform
    b) Gaussian Transform
    c) Histogram Equalization
    d) Power-law Transformation
  10. An alternate approach to median filtering is __
    a) Use a mask
    b) Gaussian filter
    c) Sharpening
    d) Laplacian filter
  11. Final step of enhancement lies in ____ of the sharpened image.
    a) Increase range of contrast
    b) Increase range of brightness
    c) Increase dynamic range
    d) None of the mentioned
  12. Butterworth filter has ___________transition
    a. smooth
    b. sudden
    c. peak
    d. Sudden and peak
  13. Noises that are not random, but very systematic errors
    a. artefacts noise
    b. salt & pepper noise
    c. Gaussian noise
    d. white noise
  14. the amount of white light present in a spectrum is called as __
    a. intensity
    b. saturation
    c. hue
    d. colour
  15. a 24-bit colour image is called as __
    a. binary image
    b. RGB colour image
    c. HSI colour model
    d. true colour image
  16. to correct the intensity variations of phosphor dots ,_ correction is used
    a. linear
    b. gamma
    c. alpha
    d. wavelength
  17. achromatic image is nothing but____________
    a. colour image
    b. B&W image
    c. HSI colour image
    d. CMYK colour image
  18. image morphology is an important tool in extraction of image _
    a. features
    b. colour
    c. intensities
    d. nature
  19. Which type of enhancement operations are used to modify pixel values according to the value of the pixel’s
    a) point operations
    b) local operations
    c) global operations
    d) mask operations
  20. Dilation-Morphological image operation technique is used to
    a) shrink brighter areas of the image
    b) diminishes intensity variation over the image
    c) expands brighter areas of the image
    d) scales pixel intensity uniformly
  21. Image compression is
    a) making image look better
    b) sharpening the intensity-transition regions
    c) minimizing degradation over image
    d) reducing the redundancy of the image data
  22. Which is a fundamental task in image processing used to match two or more pictures?
    a) registration
    b) segmentation
    c) computer vision
    d) image differencing
  23. What is single-valued function?
    a) Single value for all instants of time
    b) Unique value for every instant of time
    c) A single pattern is followed by after ‘t’ intervals
    d) Different pattern of values is followed by after ‘t’ intervals of time
  24. Noise generated by an amplifier of radio is an example for?
    a) Discrete signal
    b) Deterministic signal
    c) Random signal
    d) Periodic signal
  25. The step function u (t) is integral of _ with respect to time t.
    a) Ramp function
    b) Impulse function
    c) Sinusoidal function
    d) Exponential function
  26. Discrete-time signals are _____
    a) Continuous in amplitude and continuous in time
    b) Continuous in amplitude and discrete in time
    c) Discrete in amplitude and discrete in time
    d) Discrete in amplitude and continuous in time
  27. A signal is a physical quantity which does not vary with __
    a) Time
    b) Space
    c) Independent Variables
    d) Dependent Variables
  28. Most of the signals found in nature are _
    a) Continuous-time and discrete-time
    b) Continuous-time and digital
    c) Digital and Analog
    d) Analog and Continuous-time
  29. What is the quantity that is used to measure the total amount of energy flowing from the light source?
    a) Brightness
    b) Intensity
    c) Luminance
    d) Radiance
  30. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a deterministic signal?
    a) Exhibits no uncertainty
    b) Instantaneous value can be accurately predicted
    c) Exhibits uncertainty
    d) Can be represented by a mathematical equation
  31. Process involved in linear spatial filtering is _
    a) Correlation
    b) Convolution
    c) Histogram Equalization
    d) Both a and b
  32. Butterworth filter has ___________transition
    a) Smooth
    b) Sudden
    c) Peak
    d) Both sudden & peak
  33. ______ is the total amount of energy that flows from light source.
    a) Radiance
    b) Darkness
    c) Brightness
    d) Luminance
  34. Lossy compression is useful in ______________.
    a) Military Imaging
    b) Space Imaging
    c) Medical Imaging
    d) Television Broad Casting
  35. Hit-or-miss Transformation is used for shape ________________.
    a) Removal
    b) Detection
    c) Extraction
    d) Hiding
  36. Structuring Element is also called ________________.
    a) pixels
    b) lines
    c) subimage
    d) noise
  37. Encoder is used for image ___________.
    a) enhancement
    b) compression
    c) decompression
    d) equalization
  38. The difference in intensity between the highest and the lowest intensity levels in an image is _.
    a) Brightness
    b) Contrast
    c) Opening
    d) Closing
  39. A gradient operator for edge detection is __.
    a) Sobel
    b) Canny
    c) High-pass
    d) Low-pass
  40. The range of values spanned by the gray scale is called_______________range.
    a) Band
    b) Static
    c) Dynamic
    d) Constant
  41. In monochrome image each pixel can be represented by _________.
    a) Either 0 or 1
    b) Either 00 or 11
    c) Either 00 or 10
    d) Both 0 and 1
  42. Digitizing the coordinate values of a continuous image is called _____________.
    a) Compression
    b) Quantization
    c) Sampling
    d) Segmentation
  43. The walsh and hadamard transforms are ___________in nature
    (a) sinusoidal
    (b) cosine
    (c) non-sinusoidal
    (d) cosine and sine
  44. Unsampling is a process of ____________the spatial resolution of the image
    (a) decreasing
    (b) increasing
    (c) averaging
    (d) doubling
  45. Which of the following make an image difficult to enhance?
    a) Narrow range of intensity levels
    b) Dynamic range of intensity levels
    c) High noise
    d) All of the mentioned
  46. Which of the following is a second-order derivative operator?
    a) Histogram
    b) Laplacian
    c) Gaussian
    d) None of the mentioned
  47. Response of the gradient to noise and fine detail is _ the Laplacian’s.
    a) equal to
    b) lower than
    c) greater than
    d) has no relation with
  48. Dark characteristics in an image are better solved using ________.
    a) Laplacian Transform
    b) Gaussian Transform
    c) Histogram Specification
    d) Power-law Transformation
  49. What is the smallest possible value of a gradient image?
    a) e
    b) 1
    c) 0
    d) -e
  50. _______________is the position of sign change of the first derivative among neighboring points
    a. edge
    b. zero-crossing
    c. point
    d. line
  51. abbreviate ROI_______________
    a. region of image
    b. region of interest
    c. region of indicator
    d. restoration of image
  52. the Hough transform is used to fit points as _____
    a. line
    b. edge
    c. curve
    d. ROI

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