Digital Image Processing Multiple Choice Questions

Digital Image Processing Multiple choice Questions


1.the amount of luminous flux falling on a given area of surface is called as ____________(a)Aperture(b)contrast(c)brightness(d)I luminance
2.Digitization of spatial co-ordinates (x,y)is called (a)gray level quantization(b)finite sampling(c)image sampling(d)image quantization
3.a 128X128 image with 64 gray levels requires ________bits of storage(a)4096(b)8192(c)12288(d)98304 
4.a good image is difficulty to define because image quality(a)high subjective ,weakly dependent(b)lowly subjective, weakly dependent(c)high subjective ,strongly dependent(d)lowly subjective, strongly dependent
5.for coordinates p(2,3)the 4 neighbors of pixel p are(a)(3,3)(2,3)(1,3)(1,3)(b)(3,3)(2,3)(1,1)(2,2)(c)(3,3)(2,4)(1,3)(2,2)(d)(3,3)(2,4)(1,3)(2,1)
6.D distance is also called as(a)city block distance(b)chess board distance(c)Euclidean distance(d)mean distance
7.image transforms are needed for(a)conversion information form spatial to frequency(b)spatial domain(c)time domain(d)both b&c
8.image restoration is used to improve the ________image(a)quantity(b)quality(c)blur(d)none
9.the walsh and hadamard transforms are ___________in nature(a)sinusoidal(b)cosine(c)non-sinusoidal(d)cosine and sine
10.unsampling is a process of ____________the spatial resolution of the image(a)decreasing(b)increasing(c)averaging(d)doubling
1. Which of the following make an image difficult to enhance?
a) Narrow range of intensity levels
b) Dynamic range of intensity levels
c) High noise
d) All of the mentioned

2. Which of the following is a second-order derivative operator?
a) Histogram
b) Laplacian
c) Gaussian
d) None of the mentioned

3. Response of the gradient to noise and fine detail is _____________ the Laplacian’s.
a) equal to
b) lower than
c) greater than
d) has no relation with

4. Dark characteristics in an image are better solved using ____________________.
a) Laplacian Transform
b) Gaussian Transform
c) Histogram Specification
d) Power-law Transformation

5. What is the smallest possible value of a gradient image?
a) e
b) 1
c) 0
d) -e

6. Which of the following fails to work on dark intensity distributions?
a) Laplacian Transform
b) Gaussian Transform
c) Histogram Equalization
d) Power-law Transformation

7. _________________________ is used to detect diseases such as bone infection and tumors.
a) MRI Scan
b) PET Scan
c) Nuclear Whole Body Scan
d) X-Ray

8. How do you bring out more of the skeletal detail from a Nuclear Whole Body Bone Scan?
a) Sharpening
b) Enhancing
c) Transformation
d) None of the mentioned

9. An alternate approach to median filtering is ______________
a) Use a mask
b) Gaussian filter
c) Sharpening
d) Laplacian filter

10. Final step of enhancement lies in ________________ of the sharpened image.
a) Increase range of contrast
b) Increase range of brightness
c) Increase dynamic range
d) None of the mentioned

1.idel low pass filters has the transfer function is __________________
2.draw the mask for sobel or prewitt or roberts  operator_______________
3.what is the transfer function of Butterworth high pass filter_____________
4.draw the frequency response of high pass filter___________ pass filter is a combination of high pass  &  low pass_ filters.
6.write the equation for 2-D Fourier transform____________________
7.write any one property of fourier transform______________
8.steps followed in homomorphic filtering 
1._____    2._______   3._______    4.________    5._______
9.butterworth filter has ___________transitiona. smoothb. suddenc. paekd. b&c
10.these are the noises that are not random ,but very systematic errorsa .artefacts noiseb. salt&pepper noisec. Gaussian noised. white noise
1.image restoration is to improve the _______________of the imagea.qualityb.noisec.intensityd.colour
2.draw the degradation model of the image______________

3.write the inverse filtering formulation_________________

4.due to uniform linear motion image is_________________a. blurredb. sharpenedc. smoothenedd. a & c
5.write the inverse filter response formulation   Ans : g(x,y)=f(x,y)*h(x,y)+n(x,y)
6.write the geometric mean filter response_______________
7.write down the radon transform______________________
8.abrivate   “CT” scanner   ____________________________
9.Blur is characterized by the _______________ response of the systema. filterb. noisec. impulsed. image
10.Objective fidelity  is the image quality characterization using metrics such as errors and        SNR
11.subjective fidelity is an intuitive way of assessing image quality using the human visual system


1.color is a ___________phenomenona. physiopsychologicalb. visual c. identificationd. none
2.human perception of colour closely resembles the ____________clour modela. CMYb. RGBc. HSId. CMYK
3.____________is a mathematical model using which colours are represented ,created and visualized.a. imageb. colourc.colour spaced.none
4.the amount of white light present in a spectrum is called as ____________a.intensityb.saturationc.hued.colour
5.a 24-bit colour image is called as ____________a.binary imageb.RGB colour imagec.HSI colour modeld.true colour image
6.tonal image gives ____________a. distribution of colour intensitiesb. distribution of  intensitiesc. distribution of gray level intensitiesd. distribution of low intensities
7.colour depth is ____________a.number of bits used to represent the colourb.number of bits used to represent the image sizec. number of bits used to represent the hued. number of bits used to represent the saturation correct the intensity variations of phosphor dots ,_________ correction is useda.linearb.gammac.alphad.wavelength
9.acromatic image is nothing but____________a.colour imageb.B&W imagec.HSI colour imaged.CMYK colour image
10.chromaticity diagram is useful for ___________a.colour mixingb.colour changingc.colour paintingd.colour complement



1.image morphology is an important tool in extraction of image _____________a.featuresb.colourc.intensitiesd.nature2.the difference between the original image and the eroded is creates__________a. higher level gray levelsb low lever gray levelc. boundaryd. unfilled regions 
3.tap-hat transform is used for ____________a. highlighting the bright peaksb. highlighting the dark peaksc. highlighting the bright and dark peaksd. highlighting the dark and bright peaks
4.the theory of mathematical morphology is based on______________a. image sizeb. set theoryc. probabilityd. correlation
5.well transform is used for ____________a. highlighting the bright peaksb. highlighting the dark peaksc. highlighting the bright and dark peaksd. highlighting the dark and bright peaks
6.thinning operation is used to remove the _________pixelsa.foregroundb.back groundc.objectd.image
7.morphlogical gradient gives__________a. transition from spatial to frequencyb. transition from dark to brightc. transition from frequency to spatiald.none
8.structering element is a _____________a.maskb.colourc.backgroundd.pixel
9.____________is a process of removing of the extra tail pixels in an imagea.erosionb.dilationc.hit-miss transformd.pruning
10.whatershed is process of _____________ the objecta.histogramb.locatingc.transformd.highliting

1.________________is process of partition the digital image in to multiple regionsa.mergingb.fillingc.splittingd.transform
2.__________is set of connected pixel that lie on the boundary between two regions.a.pointb.edgec.colourd.line
3.the objective of the sharpening filter is _________a.highlight the intensity transitionsb. highlight the low transitionsc.highlight the bright transitionsd. highlight the colour transitions
4._____________has number of  peaksa.bimodel histogramb.multimodel histogramc.histogramd.image
5.____________is the starting pixel of region growing process.a.seed pixelb.base pixelc.original pixeld.image
6.___________is a deformable model that fits a model for segmenting ROIa.tigerb.snakec.goatd.image
7._______________is the position of sign change of the first derivative among neighboring
8._________ has unimodel intensity level
9.abrivate ROI_______________a.region of imageb.region of interestc.region of indicatord.restoration of image
10.the hough transform is used to fit points as _________________a.lineb.edgec.curved.ROI

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